My boss complained that employees aren’t loyal anymore. Now he understands why.
Long story short,
Our new boss left a high quality, high paying job for a new position at our corporation. He had been in his position a long time and did good work.
First week in, he was complaining that employees aren’t loyal anymore. He just didn’t get it. They leave on a moments notice for more pay, benefits, anything really.
Two months later our company laid him off with no notice, after just two months, and outsourced all of our jobs to a cheaper third party.
He now understands why no one is loyal anymore. He’s lost his job, his career, and the has nothing to show for his hard work, just like the rest of us. I feel bad for him, but it’s just the new normal.
He gets it now. Loyalty is earned and no one is earning it these days.
Netizens’ comments
Oh I’m a loyal employee. I’m loyal to the family I have to provide for, loyal to MY bottom line. And loyal to my bank account. If an employer doesn’t want to act as a partner meeting my needs, I’ll find somewhere that will.
Something my boss told me once. Everybody is replaceable. Even he is.
He was complaining that employees were doing what he just did 1 week prior?
I laugh non-stop at these middle managers who think they are so important they are indispensable. And I REALLY laugh at them when they find out, the hard way, how unimportant they really are.
so he quits his job for a new one then complains about people quitting to get new jobs? makes sense
My last company fired my whole division and took away my promotion without a moments notice. Come to found out my branch wasn’t supposed to be axed, someone in accounting messed up.