A recent Public Transport Council (PTC) survey has found that the commuters in Singapore are less satisfied with overall Public Transport Services in Singapore in 2021 compared to 2020 and the satisfaction rate in 2021 is the lowest recording ever since 2015.
The council reported that the rate in 2021 of people who were satisfied with public transport services is at 92 percent, a 5.6 percent decrease as compared to 2020 at 97.6 percent.
At 92 percent this year, it is almost as low as what was recorded in 2015 at 91.8 percent.
Respondents rated between 1 to 10
Those who responded to the survey were asked to rate between the scale of one to ten, with one being the most dissatisfied and ten being the most satisfied.
A score of six is the bare minimum which the council accepts as satisfied.
Mean satisfaction score remained
Even though the overall rates decreased in 2021, the mean satisfaction score remain at 7.8 more three consecutive years.
This was judged based on certain service attributes such as
- Safety
- Security
- Waiting time
- Reliability
- Service information
- Accessibility, comfort, travel time and customer service of bus interchanges, bus stops and MRT stations
Scores for MRT services
Scores recorded for MRT services in 2021 is at 93.6 percent, a 4.3 percent decrease from 97.9 percent in 2020.
Majority of the service attributes of MRT services saw a decrease except for service information and station accessibility as compared to 2020
The mean score for MRT services is at 7.9.
Scores for Bus services
Scores recorded for Bus services in 2021 is at 90.8 percent, a 6.5 percent decrease from 97.3 percent in 2020.
Majority of the service attributes of Bus services saw a decrease except for a slight increase in satisfaction of service information and bus interchange or bus stop accessibility as compared to 2020.
The mean score for MRT services is at 7.7.
Image source: Google Maps