I [26F] don’t know how to handle his (32M) hygiene problems
He (32M) is someone I’ve been talking to for about a month. The other day I went over to his apartment to hang out (this was the third time we had hung out/I had been to his place).
We were laying in bed and messing around. He had ordered food so he went in the living room to eat that, then I saw him go in the bathroom, then come back out and lay back next to me. He tried to finger me which I wanted and consented to, but I asked him if he washed his hands after using the restroom. He sighed and looked really annoyed, but got up and gave them a quick wash.
When we were making out, the taste of whatever he had eaten was really bothering me. I politely asked him if he could brush his teeth real quick or use mouthwash (he was also planning to perform oral on me and I’m prone to infections so I was hoping he would care about my health enough to brush). He said “I’ve already gotten up like 15 times!” (he hadn’t) and laid in bed all pouty.
Eventually, after laying there awkwardly not touching each other because he seemed upset, I got up to use the bathroom. That’s when I saw pee and poop in the toilet with the lid open. This means that he pooped, didn’t wash his hands, then attempted to finger me. If I did not ask him to wash them, I could have an infection now. I also glanced at the counter and noticed he had no toothbrush, toothpaste, or mouthwash on the counter.
I walked back to his room and told him I’m leaving. I walked out the door soon after that without confronting him with what I saw. He didn’t offer to walk me out or say bye. I feel disrespected but don’t know if I’m overreacting.
What do I do? I don’t know how to bring this up to him. Is this normal behavior for a lot of men?
Update: I have pink eye. I’m also done. When I confronted him he said “got it sorry” and that’s it.