Nowadays Singapore disco scene has moved from not only just foreign girls but also Singapore girls working.
A netizen sends in a photo of a girl he claims is from a local disco who made more than $40K after her first few months in Singapore. In the past, discos would always hire girls that are here on travel visa and work by selling flowers or ladies’ drink. Some smarter girls even get the ‘boyfriend’ to provide a local address so they would be able to enter Singapore more easily.
Nowadays discos get smarter, they apply for an entertainer work permit for the girls and make them work here legally. This kind of flower business is “not illegal” as this is a mutual trade between the customer and the disco.
Many SG boys hang thousand of flowers a month and get nothing in return. Some do it for ego and want to be famous in the disco.
Nowadays it is common to see Thai girls post photos of them being rich after working in Singapore, Korea, Japan and etc. Now even local girls join in the business because of the sheer amount of money they can earn.
The best part of this it is better than prostitution, the girls don’t even need to offer themselves to earn. They will call you darling, teeruk or boyfriend and go out and have a meal with you and alot of SG morons will buy them diamonds and gold chains and get almost nothing in return.
The girls would often be offered a place to stay at a very low price and sometimes.
When the visa or permit is finished the girls go home with a pile of cash and the so call SG ‘boyfriend’ will be left behind and becomes an ultimate loser. This also applies not only to local guys but also to local girls who frequent “duck joints”.
Just my 2 cents after working as a bartender for many years.
Hope locals will share this and wake up and use the money for something better like investing in property or buying a dream car.