My bf is currently having financial issues right now due to bad choices.
I sympathize with him and I’ve offered to help as I am in better standing as of the moment but he refuses every time.
He says he’ll figure something out himself, so I leave it alone and do not bother him too much about it.
Well recently, he had a breakdown. Said he was in a worse position than he thought. Again, I offered to pay for some of his debt but he said no.
Christmas is coming up and his family is really into gift-giving. Obviously, with his current financial standing, he’s stressed about this entire thing and is hesitating to participate. I told him he doesn’t have to buy anything. His family will understand.
But he says he still feels obligated to get something for them and me. Again, I told him he was not obligated for anything at all.
He still insists and gets upset. I don’t want conflict so I cave in. I told him if he wants to get me a gift, I’d be happy with cheap house slippers. The next day, I saw he bought them from amazon.
Flash forward to tonight, we’re in bed talking and he jokingly said, “guess how much money is left in my bank account” I responded, “well you just bought stuff again” (referring to the amazon purchase) which rubbed him the wrong way.
He got upset and said, “Yeah, because I had to”. He got quiet and turned away from me. I felt bad after saying that and it was an bad move.
So now I also feel guilty for even asking a gift and I want to pay him back for the slippers he got me but I was wondering if that would be insulting?