Hi, I’m looking for some advice. I’m going on my first staycation with my new boyfriend this weekend. We’ve been together for about 2 months and this is the first time we will be intimate. All throughout my life, I’ve worn highly padded bras.
I’m in between an A and B, but I’ve been doing this so long that I know how to make my boobs look like a large C or even D. I know my boyfriend likes it because he’s complimented me a couple of times. This weekend, however, I’m afraid that my boyfriend will be disappointed when our clothes finally come off. I really like this guy and don’t want to upset or lose him. What should I do?
Here are what netizens think:
- Are you going to marry this guy whom you like so much that you are willing to give your body, the one thing that is most precious to women, to him? How about the next guy and the next and then finally the one whom u are going to marry in the end? Are you going to share this past with him? How will you teach your daughters? Think deep about it.
- Just be honest. And remember that size isn’t important. If he loves you your size isn’t important. He may be worried about his size anyhow… so it will be double reveal.
- A person who really luv u wun mind ur size for goodness sake! So wat if u r A cup? I hav a gf who A cup but many suitors! I was B but aft breastfeedin B look like A so wat? Does it mean my hub goin divorce me? No rite? B proud of urself n ur size! Learn to luv urself 1st!
- He is going to find out sooner or later.