People treat me extremely differently after major weight loss and I hate that it feels so damn fake
Just wanted to get this off my chest. Don’t really have nobody else to tell. I have been a heavier dude for most of my life. I was always the “whats up big man” guy in the group, people always greeted me by adding the “big” in front of my name.
I never allowed it to get to me, but after going to my doctor 1 year ago and being diagnosed as diabetic, I knew it was time to get my shit in order and lose weight. Hit the gym hard and ate healthy. In 1 year I dropped a little over 30kg.
I didn’t think it would be that much of a difference since I never considered myself obese, but it is a whole new life I have in my hands.
However, it almost gets overshadowed by the fact that I can’t help but feel like people are fake af because of how different they treat me after the weight loss.
I used to read posts about how people would be treated super different after major weight loss, but I never thought it was that crazy until it happened to me.
Even something as little as a girl holding the door for me feels weird just because that never used to happen when I was a heavier dude.
I know I should probably just enjoy it and be grateful but I can’t help but feel uncomfortable because everytime it happens I can only think “why weren’t people doing this for me when I was fat?” It is almost like fat me never existed, and now that this new me is here, now they can acknowledge me.
Idk maybe I am overthinking it and it will get better with time, but it certainly is annoying.