A girl shared a story of how she got drunk one day and could not remember how she got home but drunk texted a guy which she was interested in.
She regretted what she did when she woke up as she was afraid that she had turned the guy off even though she did not mention much in the drunk text.
As a result of what she has done, she now regrets it and wishes she did none of it while she was drunk.
Here is the story
“So, it happened the night where I got crazy drunk, I don’t remember how I got home. None from my friend group remembers when I left. We were all wasted.
So none can tell me how I left. I woke up in my room not knowing how i got there. I even broke some stuff in my room and made a huge mess.
I don’t remember doing any of that. So all of that scared me. I had no idea how I got home, so I went through my phone to see who I texted and called to get any clues on that.
To my horror, I see that I drunk texted the person i like. It was just random words and nothing too crazy, I didn’t tell them I like them or anything like that in the texts, but then I called them and we talked for less than a minute.
I don’t remember anything from the conversation!!! I don’t know what we talked about and I’m scared that I might have said something stupid.
I texted them today and made a joke about the whole situation, but they left me on seen. I don’t want to bother them anymore. I’m afraid they are annoyed with me.
I’m panicking now! How do I find out what we talked about? I’m scared I told them I like them, or that I maybe said something stupid and got them offended??
Idk I’m really paranoid, because I don’t want to screw things up between us.”
Image source: Unsplash.com