When your a pok pok gei, your sure got brought up by a pok pok gei.
A girl who was brought up with the pok pok gei mentality has finally unleashed her desires after just dating for 3 months. It’s her first time dating and she wants to bring in the subject of money.
Here is what the pok pok gei wrote
I’m dating this guy for 3 months. It’s my first relationship.
When is the best time to ask about the guy’s salary and net worth? I really wanna ask the exact figure as financial security is important to me. I don’t want to ask too early as I don’t want to as money minded or gold digger.
But I can’t drag too late either as I am dating to marry and I don’t want to find out late that he is earning way lower than me or not enough to support a family.
Here are what netizens think:
- Past performance is not indicative of future results. His net worth /salary could be low now, but he could bag 12m toto tonight~
- On one of the dates, plan to have caifan for dinner. If he picks at least 2 fish dishes then you probably know your answer.
- Ask him BTO, then ask how much is his salary. Reason: see if can qualify for government grants or hits the BTO income ceiling
- lol if his salary can let you decide marry or not, i think you stay single la, don’t waste people’s time… with your mindset, how much also never enough…
- Financial security? Meaning you ownself is a burden, oh yes you are, a depreciating asset.
What is a Pok Pok Gei?
Any woman or man you can get with money, (the guy version is call duck.)
As long you appear or show that you have a future, the woman will spread her legs wides like the golden gate bridge and allow you to be her boyfriend or girlfriend.