A netizen shared how her colleague got engaged with a millionaire and is working for “fun”, while she works to survive.
Here is the story:
“I have a colleague, we sorta knew each other when we were in NUS, work quite well together. She’s quiet, gets things done. No complains about her one.
We get along quite well. Did not see her for close to a year due to Covid.
Went back office recently and found out she got engaged. I wanted to congratulate her and saw the ring. It is BIG, like confirm multiple 5 figures big. I was shocked…
I met her bf once or twice and he gave me the average/humble vibe. Driving a Toyota.
I kaypohed a bit and found out that her fiance is a self made millionaire and the only reason why she’s still working, not enjoying tai tai life, is because her fiance wants her to work to have her own money and gain experience from society.
Wah, if my future husband ask me to work when I don’t need to, I confirm make a lot of noise one.
Can’t help but feel damn salty. Life is damn unfair sometimes.
We work because we need to survive and she is working for fun? And why some people damn lucky…can just suka do business or invest and become millionaire, or find a millionaire to marry.
I know my view is unpopular la. But it’s my honest feelings and this is anonymous so……”
Editor’s note: I feel you…