A netizen shared how she is unhappy with her brother who is “spoiled” and cannot imagine being stuck with him when their parents are gone.
Here is the story:
“I would like to take this opportunity to get something off my chest.
My younger brother is 12 years younger than I am. And yet, in contrast, my parents have spoilt him rotten. Since he was young, no matter what he asked for, he would get it. And if he didn’t, tantrums would follow. For instance, he would yell at my parents and slam doors at home. He plays computer games for the entire day into the wee hours of the morning and screams at the top of his voice even at 3am/4am/5am in the morning when the rest of the house is trying to sleep (battle royale games where teamwork is required, but you can speak softly right instead of yelling into your headset mic?)
He is turning 18 shortly and yet he has paused going to school for half a year now (he is in a JC) and goodness knows when he will go back. If he doesn’t want to continue, who knows where his life will end up. But no one will force him, if he wants to drop out that’s none of my business.
My parents are getting old. Reaching their mid sixties. Seeing them getting yelled at by this spoilt brat just cause things don’t go his way is making me mad. But I’m powerless to do anything. They dote on him so much it makes me sick. Moreover when I was young, if I did the same things or even dared behave in the same manner, I would be punished or beaten, so seeing this unfold in front of my eyes infuriates me further.
Even simple things like taking a shower (he can spend up to 1 hour in the toilet with the shower running) and eating at the dining table (he eats in his room, our helper would bring food to his room and knock on the door like room service, whereas everyone else eats at said dinning table) are so difficult. Even our dog doesn’t need that long to shower.
I cannot imagine getting stuck with such a burden like this, if and when one fine day our parents are no longer around.
I most definitely will never spoon-fed him this way and I absolutely can’t stand his attitude. What should I do? What would you do?”
Editor’s note: He’s still only 18, not too late to try and change him for the better. Sit him down and have a talk with him.