So this story happened a few days ago
My boyfriend (29M) and I (21F) have been going out for a little bit. We enjoy each other’s company, and have been having a great time together for the past couple of dates.
I’ve been to his place before and met a few roommates, not all of them, so I’m familiar with the other guys in the house and I’m not some mysterious girl to them, which is great in my eyes.
Thursday night happened and we went on a date, and afterwards went back to his place. His brother was also around as he had come to visit him. We chatted briefly, and my boyfriend had raved about me apparently to his sibling so he had many questions.
It was short though, as my boyfriend took my hand after a few questions and announced that we were both tired and needed to head to bed.
We went upstairs, and proceeded to get changed, turning on the speaker in the process and putting the music on. We proceeded to do the ‘deed’, the first round was good and we recovered then went at it again. Now, part way through this wild experience I decided to turn up the music because we were getting a bit loud.
Little did I know, this was going to be the downfall of the night.
As we continued the banging and everything was going well, suddenly the door swung open and my boyfriend’s roommate and brother were there. When they had caught wind of what we were doing they immediately closed the door and we stopped playing the music.
My boyfriend’s roommate said that they were knocking for ten minutes because his brother was leaving for the night and wanted to say goodbye to the both of us.
He mentioned that he figured we could not hear the knocking due to the loud music which was why they decided to try and open the door.
Good gracious me, now both of them have seen me without any clothes on ‘all fours.’
Image source: Unsplash