A guy shared a story of how he accidentally took a bottle that was left on the sink top by his girlfriend to gargle his mouth with the liquid inside the bottle one day thinking that it was a mouth wash.
After gargling the bottle of liquid, he had a bad reaction inside his mouth which led to him having a burning sensation.
It turns out that the bottle of liquid which was left on the top of the sink was a type of mouthwash for sores in the mouth and it was prescribed to the girlfriend by a doctor.
The girlfriend had also decided to leave it there for him as he gets sores in his mouth from time to time as well.
Here is the story
“My girlfriend left a bottle with mouthwash at my apartment, or at least that’s what I thought. She recently had a sore in her mouth and went to visit a doctor who prescribed that bottle of wash to her.
She has claimed many times that this helped her and since I sometimes have them she left it there for me.
Well today I thought I’d try it, so I took the bottle and, stupidly with out reading the label, I put a normal amount in the cap and put it in my mouth.
Take note that I did not have any sores in my mouth at this very moment.
Immediately after gargling the liquid, my mouth was on fire and I had to spit it out and rinse my mouth.
I was very confused since she normally is very sensitive to things like that until I read what’s actually in it. It wasn’t mouthwash but mouthwash concentrate.
You were supposed to mix a few drops with half a glass of water and my dumb self just took the amount that you would normally take from normal mouthwash.
Now I’m lying in my bed, just dying because my mouth is burning so bad and she’s laughing at me.”
Image source: Unsplash.com