My best friend and I got super drunk last weekend and we sucked each other off. We haven’t talked since and it’s really awkward and I think I regret it.
I legitimately don’t know what happened. We’re both straight I think it was the alcohol.
We drank two bottles of cordon bleu in his room and got so messed up I can barely remember it but what I do remember is suddenly our pants were off and we were sucking and jerking each other off.
We fell asleep afterwards then woke up and barely said a word to each other. I thought about texting him or trying to drop by so we can talk about it but I can’t bring myself to.
I’ve been reeling from it and freaking out for days now. I’m 26 years old and have never been interested in other men before or done anything even remotely physical with them before let alone with a good friend so it’s very weird and I don’t know what to do.
Netizens’ comments
- I’m old, I’ve been drunk as a bumper car and not one damn time have I looked at my friend and been like, let’s f. Pretty sure you both got some inhibitions removed. You’re either gay or bi, deal with it.
- The question that needs answered. Did you like it? If so, okay. No problem no new titles just you liked it and all good. Squared away
- I have bad news for you buddy, you guys aren’t “both straight”.
- Just act like it never happened, I did some weird stuff as a kid but it is best if you don’t sweat it.
- You both wanted it to happen so it obviously happened. This BS about not having recollection of how and why it happened is BS.
- Either never talk about it again or never talk to eachother again. If I were in your position, never would be but for the sake of it, I would cut ties entirely.