My father told our family he had another son.
I assumed that it was a like a kid no more than five, it turns out he was 16m almost the same age as my younger brother who was 15m at this time.
After this announcement our family’s hasn’t been the same, which to be fair our family was never normal anyway. I had already held a lot of dislike to our father because the way he is.
Anyway when he told us he swore he didn’t know anything about the kid till recently. My mother went along with it even though it was obvious he was lying. So since then my dad has been in contact with this second son.
We had a meet up with family that had adopted him. My dad talked to both us, and the kids dad’s about wanting to bring him into the family and how this could be his home. I think he’s on his self-righteous bs, but my mom really believes him. The problem is it’s clear the kid doesn’t want that.
Recently we had him over for dinner and I could tell he was visibly uncomfortable around the family. He didn’t talk much, he didn’t touch his plate, and he would disappear in the guest room (where he was staying) for an hour at a time.
It turns out the kid is vegan and also has peanut allergy.
So I went to get him a meal from a vegan food place, and when I gave it to him his face lit up with happiness. It was the happiest I had seen him around us, and he seemed to had relax around me. When spent the rest of night talking and I learned a lot about him.
He’s a music prodigy and plays piano and violin, and overall is a really sweet kid. He showed me a picture of his mother that he keeps with him.
After that our relationship has been really good, but the problem is right now is that my dad is still pushing the “join the family” rhetoric.
The kid is shy, so how exactly can I go about tell my dad to step off about the subject?