International students are not allowed to work. What is considered working?
What’s considered ‘working’ for international students? I know working part time jobs is already counted as working.
But what if i sell things online? Is this considered working? It can be counted as a side hobby, but still, i am ‘receiving’ income if i do.
And then, if i have a crocheting hobbies, and i sell my crochets to people who wanted them, but not in a shop form, so personal ‘they come request, i do, they pay and receive’. Is this considered working?
So.. are online shopping apps and the likes considered working? Are hobbies that can be ‘sold’ considered working? What is considered working?
Here are what netizens think
‘By right, anything you do that you receive an income from is considered as working.’
‘It’s technically work if it
1) takes up a lot of your time
2) it’s your primary source of income.
But honestly, unless you are really killing it with those sweet sweet crocheted goods, I doubt it will be of a sufficient revenue volume for IRAS to even bother looking into. Aka you should be safe as long as it remains a hobby.’
‘Just keep a low profile.
Don’t let the media splash headlines like “Foreign Student Making 10k a Month.”
Then stones will fly in your direction.’