For those dating long term/ getting married, is there a need to reveal your true net worth to your partner?
I wish to ask anonymous here for obvious reasons. In my younger days, I have sold off a business and subsequently got lucky in my other investments.
I currently have 7 figures in cash and investments and could comfortably pay off a nice condo or landed property in full if I wanted. I am employed but lives and dresses simply so no one knows my actual net worth.
I am dating this girl for 1 year+ and I see her as someone with potential for long term. She is hardworking, though working at a normal job and earning an amount average for her age.
We know each other’s salaries and have somewhat discussed finances if we do settle down, but net worth was never brought up and I did not mention about my past business and investments with her. I think she assumed that I am just an average class working joe as well.
I wanna ask is, is there really a need to let your partner know how much money do you really have? For married people, I know of 2 extremes- those who have free access to each other’s money while on the other end, either partner dont even know how much exactly the other earns or have. I am hesitant to let her know for 2 main reasons- I want her to like me as a person and not my assets and also I don’t want her to lose her drive and motivation at work as I heard stories about how some people can drastically change with a windfall.
What would your advice be?