It feels like every man is the same
I’m sure many men would jump in to defend this damning sentence but I’m gonna say it anyway – I think men are generally untrustworthy.
These few years have me seen and interact with men across work, friendship and relationship level and I realise that men WOULD cheat if they could. The “loyal” ones are not because they are loyal, but it is because they either have no guts, no opportunities, or simply haven’t got caught in the act.
So many men whom I thought were “decent”, “upright”, “honest”, “professional” – all turned out to be lies. It’s not that they are what they claim they are, it is simply because they just haven’t gotten caught.
Because of this, I find it very difficult to see them seriously in any settings anymore because at the back of my head, these people could be the most indecent, dishonest and unprofessional people – they just haven’t revealed their true intentions, and I should always keep my guard up.
Why are men like that though? Or is it just people, men and women, alike? Seeing so many of these men everywhere makes me feel that none of them is worth our time, tears and heartbreak.
It’s really quite sad because I used to be a romantic at heart and truly believed in love. But I guess this is adulting in its finest.