Why are the poor so entitled? Every time see comments on Facebook and Instagram poor people complain about their wages and jobs.
Like if ur not happy with life go get yourself upgraded? It’s as if you expect jobs to be a god given right and the government owes you something.
Everything all blame government blame society. Just because ur not intelligent or not hard working and therefore poor, you blame it on others.
You expect the rich to share their wealth with you? If that’s the case then no meritocracy needed in Singapore.
Here are what netizens think:
- Why are the rich so entitled? Every time I see comments on Facebook and Instagram from wealthy individuals boasting about their lavish lifestyles and complaining about having to pay taxes, it’s as if they believe that their wealth is a god-given right and that society owes them something. They seem to think that their success is solely based on their intelligence and hard work, completely ignoring the role that privilege and luck play in their lives. And yet, they have the audacity to criticize the less fortunate for complaining about their low wages and lack of opportunities. They conveniently ignore the systemic barriers that prevent many people from climbing the socioeconomic ladder. It’s time for the rich to take responsibility for their own advantages and recognize the responsibility they have to contribute to society. They should be willing to share their wealth to ensure that everyone has a fair shot at success, rather than hoarding it all for themselves. If they refuse to do so, then what’s the point of a meritocracy in a society that perpetuates inequality?
- Many rich people who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths believe that their wealth is solely due to their hard work leh.
- I don’t understand how so many ppl will automatically attribute poverty to laziness. So many ppl i know work OT, and sometimes burn 1 or both weekends, just to make ends meet. And I’m not even talking about those at the bottom rungs. 80++% of us spend majority of our waking hours working, in exchange of what? Making sure our bills are paid, food is on the table, and hopefully can retire before our time is up. The extremely ambitious among us may work on side hustles or take on additional certifications, just so that our lives don’t have to remain this way forever.
- Poor people need to be happy with what they have, or to learn to massively change their mindset and take control of their own lives.