Do u think it’s too much for a mother to ask his married son home at least 3-5x a week for dinner
My husband and I are married for close to 3 years. His mum lives around 8 bus stops away and request him to join her for dinner min 3, max 5 days over the weekdays.
She doesn’t really cook though, she just dabao for him and they eat together. I’m not required to go for the weekday dinners.
But there is another weekend meal, which I’m required to have with her, together with my husband and his sister, who is also married.
So he sees her almost everyday of the week. Compared to my own mum who lives walking distance away, I only see her at most once a month.
Ok, to be fair, she’s old and she lives alone so she requires her son’s company. My mum still has my dad. But that also means my husband comes home late every weekday.
I seldom get to talk to him over the week and sometimes when he comes home I’m already sleeping. When we do have time to talk over the weekdays, it is to organize that weekend meal with his mum and his sister.
Is this a case of a parent not letting go of her son even after he has his own family? It feels like I only have a “weekend husband”.
It felt worse than we were dating, where we could at least have one week day dinner together each week and even talk for hours on the phone before bed on most days.
Now I seldom get to ever see nor talk to him on weekdays. And weekends, I need to meet/cook/handle his family too for a least an afternoon.
We seldom have time alone together. So his mum cannot complain that I’m not giving her any grandchildren.