25 C
Monday, February 17, 2025


is being too pretty a thing ?


i have two friends that are seriously super gorgeous, not like those skinny long-haired xmms, but they could pass off as models, influencers, sentosa-cove kind of ladies, and as friends we always push them to be more open so that we can get some benefits.

they are pretty private ppl as they are rather shy and lack confidence but i truly believe if they put themselves out there more they would be super successful in the media industry. the main point of this post is, whenever we push them to get us benefits at clubs, bars, hotels, people just gaze at them and dont approach. they get compliments from strangers everytime we go out but no one has ever gone out of their way to get them drinks, a table, a flower even.

we told them that it could possibly be because they are simply TOO pretty that people are afraid to approach them or that they are too pretty that people assume they are attached when they are not.

i understand that there are more pressing issues happening around in the world but we were just curious on what the public thinks is the “problem” with my friends ? they try their best to come across as approachable and yet people still dont dare approach them…


they have tried approaching others first but the opposite party would go for the friend that is dressed more slutty and willing to go all the way with those guys…..

is there such thing as being too pretty in sg ?

Here are what netizens think:

  • U must be entitled much.Pwetty = free gifts, tables, food, drinks, hotel stay.People in the media industry will reject people like you first. Want others to give you freebies but you have nothing to offer but….i don’t know….your looks?There isn’t any problem with your friends but your mentality. You’re the very reason why many XMMs think that all they need is to look good, have many followers on instagram and go around asking for free food and hotel stays.So no, there isn’t such thing as being too pretty, but there is such thing as being a pest. A pest who freeloads off their pretty friends cause you know no one will do it to you. Lol
  • Or maybe they just aren’t as pretty as you think they are. Women’s idea of pretty can be quite different from men’s idea of pretty… Always got some female friends tell me this girl damn chio wanna intro me, then when i finally see her, she’s like a 6/10….
  • usually very pretty girls are the one with no one going after. it is the really confident guys or guys who have no intention or interest, just want to be friends, will be the one approaching. It has always been the case. because many guys thought they have many guys going after, then dont dare approach. but if you asked the girls, they will say, NO BODY LEI!
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