Nobody is perfect in the world right?
When shits happened, all you need is just one person to save or be there for you right?
I envy some people, they don’t have a family to rely on but at least their friends will be there for them like brother and what we always said Steady.
Basically, i’m in debts, my life in shits and i spoke to my one and only close friend, we grew up together and he is like my brother, closer than my own blood brothers.
I told him my full story when we met up, he seems concerned and worried for me but after the next day, when i texted him and his replies ended up can’t be bothered at all, my heart sank. Deeply, broken as well. My only best friend, brother i left also treated me this way. I always thought that it could be the gf manipulative but.. i got to face the reality.. he change and no longer the same person i knew…
Now, i got chased on my own house, with my evil and heartless mother.
My family long ago is broken, i always felt like i picked from the rubbish bin. My own blood brother can sabo me and whatever mistakes to my mother and my mother only trust him.
If he knew i’ll get chase out, why he cannot just shut up? Knowing my mother’s pattern and how crazy my mum is. Example, people come up find me, he tell my mother. I owe people money, he also tell my mother. Cmon, how old already?
What i ever did wrong i wonder.. my life is a joke.