In the world of aviation, unexpected events can turn a routine flight into a memorable journey. Such was the case on a recent Air Asia Flight A320, where a snake decided to join the passengers and crew on their trip from Bangkok to Phuket.
The Initial Encounter
The mid-air adventure began when passengers and cabin crew spotted an uninvited guest slithering through the cabin. The surprise and alarm were palpable as the snake made its presence known, prompting swift action from the flight attendant team.
Failed Attempt with a Bottle
In a courageous attempt to contain the unexpected passenger, a flight attendant initially tried to trap the snake using a bottle. However, the slippery intruder proved to be a challenge, eluding the first containment effort.
Quick Thinking with a Plastic Bag
Undeterred by the initial setback, the resourceful flight attendant swiftly improvised, grabbing a large plastic bag. With a deft move, the snake was skillfully guided into the bag, ensuring the safety of both passengers and crew.
Passenger Safety Measures
Prioritizing the safety of everyone on board, the decision was made to move passengers out of their seats temporarily. This precautionary measure aimed to prevent any potential panic and ensure a controlled environment during the unconventional situation.
The Cabin Crew’s Successful Intervention
With nerves of steel, the cabin crew worked together seamlessly to handle the situation. Through coordinated efforts, they successfully pushed the snake into the plastic bag, securing it until the aircraft safely landed in Phuket.
Incident Timing
The snake’s unexpected appearance added an unusual twist to an otherwise routine flight. The incident occurred on a Saturday, the 13th, adding an extra layer of intrigue to the unfolding mid-air adventure.
In the world of air travel, unexpected events like a snake on board can test the mettle of both passengers and crew. The successful resolution of this unusual situation highlights the importance of a well-trained and quick-thinking cabin crew in ensuring the safety and comfort of everyone on board.