Huang Jian, a 52-year-old Singaporean woman, was charged with under-declaring her rental income from 3 properties and obstructing the tax authorities from carrying out their investigative duties.
She was also charged with providing incorrect information in a bid to reduce the tax that she had to pay.
She was then ordered to pay fines and penalties of $13,960 for her offences, as well as other offences.
Convicted of 4 charges
Huang was convicted of omitting rental income from her income tax returns without a reasonable excuse, where she was fined $4,500 and a penalty of $5,700.
She was also convicted of providing incorrect information to the controller of income tax without reasonable excuse, under the Income Tax act – she submitted an incorrect bank statement in an attempt to support her claim for mortgage loan interest deduction to reduce her taxes.
She was subsequently fined $1,500 and a penalty of $1,459.
She was also convicted of constructing IRAS officers from their duties and fined $800 under the Income Tax Act.
What happened?
$55,965 worth of rental income were omitted by Huang in her Income Tax returns for the Years of Assessment from 2009 and 2012 – meaning she evaded $2,850 in taxes from more than 10 years ago.
Huang was uncooperative with the IRAS officers, who served an in-person notice to her, requesting her tax information in September 2016.
She locked herself in her bedroom and refused to comply, before throwing the documents out of her window.
Images source: IRAS