A girl shared a story of how she once decided to fool her mother by editing the grades on her report card to a lousy grade and showing it to her.
She said that she did so because her mother always had high expectations of her and she never failed so she wanted to see how her mother will react if she really failed her expectations for once.
Here is the story
“Okay, so I am a pretty good student (despite me falling asleep in class everyday) I study and and do all of my homework to the fullest extent.
My grades reflected this as I got nothing below a 95% when my teacher gave me my report card.
I also like pulling pranks (although I’m not very good at it).
After showing my dad my report card, I got the idea to edit a picture of the grades and make them appear worse than they actually were and send them to my mom.
I had wanted to see how she would have reacted because at the current moment, I had never failed them and I thought it would be fun to see how different will they be.
BAD IDEA. Thinking about it now, it probably wasn’t a good idea because my parents are strict. strict as in “you should be able to get 90’s with ease” and I edited my grades to 50%’s and 40%’s.
A few minutes after I sent the edited image of my report card to my mom I got a call from her and she was shocked beyond words.
I was silent too because I didn’t know what to say. I eventually explained that I had edited the photo as a prank and my actual grades were much better.
I sent her a photo of my actual grades and she calmed down.
I now know to never do that again.”
Image source: unsplash.com