Choosing between going overseas or staying in SG for uni
Some context, I’m currently studying in SMU and was originally enrolled in the computing and law course (I had this image that i was gonna become some coding lawyer and at the time i found very appealing), I soon realised that law wasn’t for me (in short i hate reading 400 pages of legal jargon a day) and tried to change to CS as that’s originally what I wanted to do (got rejected from NUS cs) but only got offered Information systems. Which is not technical enough to go into software engineering which is originally my dream job.
I recently got into CS at UNSW in australia (which is apparently the best cs uni in aus) but I’m worried that getting a good job in singapore may be very difficult, as it is not as prestigious as a local uni. I’ve also considered working in aus for a few years to get a running start in my career but I’ve heard that it is difficult for foreigners to work in Australia due to visa restrictions.
I’m now torn between staying in my current course (information systems) at SMU were the job prospects are very promising or taking the risk going oversees to pursue a degree with potentially bigger upside.
I’m hoping to get some advice on the situation as I don’t want to make a decision that I’ll regret again.