Suddenly feel like I don’t know him anymore
My husband and I met when I was 17yo and we got married and I was 23yo and I gave birth to my first child in 2012. We have 3 children together.
Everything was perfect, even though he controls me about what I can wear and i can’t wear revealing clothes, he claim only he can see what’s underneath it, i complied to his request.
I always knew he watches P and in 2015 while I was scrolling thru his safari and saw history of porn video so I jokingly ask him about it and he got offended. Then I told him me asking him is just so we can watch together and also explore more options from there not to ridicule him. So from there on we watch P every now and then together to explore options to spice our S life.
Fast forward to 2023, he has been using his phone since 2017/2018 and has not changed yet and he complaints it’s lagging so I jokingly say maybe u watch too much P then he say he did not watch as much anymore. But it’s not true he have been watching every other day. I don’t know why he have to tяy to deny it but I did not question further.
So in March 2023 I decide to buy him a iphone 14 pro max he was so excited to have a new phone even though he always say “it’s okay I’m fine with my phone”. “
And now iphone u can just directly sync the old phone to the new phone so everything was sync and ready to use within an hour.
So his old phone is now mine as a spare phone.
So I decided to clear some space for memory and when I was looking thru his photo album, I found a few recent video taken on 1 and 2 March of him walking outside someone’s house and taking video thru the window whose room is located next to corridor. But there was nothing much in the video no humans were film it in. So I thought maybe it’s was nothing. And I have forgotten about it after that.
And now on June 25 I decided to look thru his photo album again and I saw pictures of a female sitting on the floor in the living room with their front door open (taken on 29 may 2023)
The next photo was a photo of another female sleeping with her lower body facing the window. And the next photo was the same female from the previous photo, a zoom in view of her lower part as she was wearing shorts to sleep in midday(taken on 14 June 2023) I was lost for words, I don’t know what I should do or how I should talk to him about this.