A netizen shared how she had terminal cancer and has months left to live and is scared of what happens when she dies.
Here is the story:
“I have a cancer that can’t be cured, it’s been 2 months since I found out. My boyfriend and my parents are trying to make me as happy as possible while they can and I appreciate them for that.
I had never thought about death before, now I’m realising that.. I won’t be here in a few months..
I won’t be here in 10 years, I won’t be here in 100 years, just like I won’t be here in a 1000000000000000000000 years and the thought of this is honestly so scary.
Eternal nothingness.
I really hope there’s something else for us after we die, though I’m not too hopeful about that.
I don’t think I deserve this, I’ve tried to be a good person my whole life. I know karma does not exist, but I did nothing to deserve this.”
Editor’s note: It’s a comforting thought isn’t it? That life doesn’t end when we die but that there is something out there for us on the other side.