My son said “You can’t be strong, you’re a girl” and my husband laughed.
He laughed quietly to himself from the other room because while he couldn’t see the fire flashing in my eyes, he knew my son was in for the lecture of a lifetime. He knew that the kid had said the bad words and got mum’s feminism all fired up.
I sat my son (3yo) down and told him that was not at all correct and all women were strong, just like men. Everyone is strong in their own ways and in different ways. My son accepted this and that was that.
Not sure where my son picked up the idea from, he might have just connected us complementing him being strong when he lifts his bag or toys and the fact that he is a boy.
We often tell him the differences and similarities between girls and boys and I think he just thought that he was a boy and he was strong and that was a cold hard fact.
It was a good opportunity to nip that thought process in the bud.
Husband came in shortly after and asked son if girls can be strong and he said “Yep!”
Mission accomplished.
My husband is a gem. He understands and accepts he married a fiery feminist who is determined to instill good values in our sons at any opportunity. He just knows when to step back and let me handle it.