A netizen shared how he got engaged to his fiancee and bought a new home but her mother doesn’t want them to move in before marriage, citing her superstitious beliefs.
Here is the story:
“Hi, my Fiancée and i just got our home but we could not stay in the house due to superstitious chinese customs of “After marriage then can move in”, which was directed by her parents.
I was unhappy about it as we are paying for the house already and ready to live in but faces this road block.
When my fiancée and I first got the keys to our new home, we were both elated. We had just made the biggest purchase of our lives and were ready to start our lives together in our new home. We had already made plans to move in the following week when we were stopped in our tracks – her parents had other plans.
I was surprised when her parents told us that we could not move in until we were married. According to their Chinese customs, it was supposed to be “after marriage then can move in”. I was taken aback because we had already paid for the house and were ready to start living there. It was hard to understand why we had to abide by an old superstition and delay our move-in date.
My fiancée tried to explain to me that it was a Chinese custom that had been passed down from generations before us. It was believed that it was bad luck to move into a new home before marriage. The superstition was that if we did, we would not have a successful union. Her parents were firm in their belief that we should wait until after the wedding to move into our new home.
Does it have to be that way that we must listen to elders on this when it’s our lives, our house. My Fiancée will abide by her parents as well on this.
To me it doesn’t make any sense. Please advise”
Editor’s note: Just move in, her mother doesn’t have a say in it.