I’m getting real tired of silent treatment.
It’s like when they screw up big time towards me, as disappointed as I can be, I approach them and talk. Not in an angry tone. Just let them know that what they did is not right, they apologized and that’s it we move on. No one is perfect at all.
Gets silence treatment in return when I make a mistake
But when I made a mistake, no matter how small or how unaware I was, all I get is silent treatment.
And it’s always the same cycle. First when I approach, they’ll tell me “I need time”. I let them have their time. I wait. Days. Weeks. Months.
Asked again, still no answer. Asked when they do want to talk. Still nothing. Months and months past. A whole entire year later, I asked again, then they’ll say I’m “overreacting”.
And worst of all, they’ll say “It’s been a whole year and you’re still living in the past and not getting over it”.
I mean, yes? Cause I’m putting so much effort to resolve the issues that I don’t even know what was it I did at all. I want to learn. I want to improve. I want to be better. How can I achieve anything if silent treatment is the only one they give?
Why can’t they just talk? Do I really deserve to be punished that way?
Tired of being the one who always try to resolve issues
I’m just so tired of being the only one taking accountability over my action.
I’m tired of being the better person when the person other person never tried to be better at all.
Seriously it’s frustrating.
And when I leave, suddenly they’ll go “So you don’t care after all”. What the f-? A whole entire year I’ve waited and give all the time. And still nothing.
Just cause you “healed” from the unspoken things I did, doesn’t mean I deserve to be treated like I don’t exist. Doesn’t mean I have no feelings at all.
I’m not a monster. But they’ll always treat me like I’m one. But when they became literal monster, society expects me to tame them.
I’m done being the better person.
I’m done.