Trying to decline a verbally accepted job offer
I verbally accepted a job offer and received the offer letter. Now that I haven’t signed it and I wish to withdraw. Do I have the right to do so?
The recruiter keeps saying that she might lose trust of the client company. However, I am pretty sure that I have every right to do so. What should I do?
Netizens’ comments
- You have not signed the offer letter, what can they do to you? Force you to work? The recruiter is just annoyed that she won’t be able to earn commission from you. You have every right to reject the offer letter. Just tell them nicely in an email that you wish to decline the job offer and of course thank them for their time.
- Just say that you’re no longer interested in the position. Doesn’t matter because you didn’t sign anything. She can’t do anything about it.
- Bad form but not illegal. Just be wary of getting blackmarked.
- I believe that even if you signed on directly with the company you still have the right to decline it when no contract has been signed
- Just say no. Don’t worry about burning bridges. In the past these HH have a network and spread shit. Nowadays these HH have no real network and only relied on LinkedIn. So it doesn’t affect your chance if one HH bears a grudge.
- Never use a recruiter, they are only beneficial for employers that want to prevent you from being able to apply the contract of service under employment act under a specifically written clause where you need to pay if you don’t attend the first day .
“If an employee does not show up on the first day of work, the Employment Act does not apply as the employer-employee relationship has not started.
An employer will not be able to claim notice pay or any other compensation provided for in the Employment Act. They can consider a civil claim filed through their own lawyer.”