So my husband was on a bachelor trip last weekend in Bangkok.
I woke up to his iPad going off at 2:30 from his friends trying to call and text him to find him in a strip club.
They didn’t know where he was. As a concerned wife, I went in his iPad to see what the fuss was about and I even sent the groom a picture of his location in the club. Turns out, he spent 6000 baht to go to a private room with a siam bu.
I am extremely mad about just this because we have a rule in our relationship that everything that happens in a strip has to be public. I don’t think his friends knew that he was in there and he wasn’t answering his phone or returning texts…
very sus I appreciate that he was honest with me about him booking a private room for himself, but he said all they did was “talk about life” while he had a beer.
I finally got a hold of him afterwards and he made no sense at all after drinking all night. He was trying to tell me white lies seeming like he was trying to cover something up.
He was also so drunk
I don’t know if it’s the same stripper or another one, but someone from the club was texting him and they were flirting and talking about hanging out.
He claims she wanted to hangout with all of the boys. The messages broke my heart to read and I still can’t imagine what actually happened in that room that he claims he did nothing with the stripper in. I have the girls number and I am so tempted to text her and ask if she knows anything so I can talk to him about it. I just have a gut feeling that he did something with this girl. He also has tried to kiss another girl while very drunk before while we were together, so I am having a hard time trusting him.
I want to contact her and ask what happened, but I want to just take his word for it and try to work through this anxiety. I know he has broken our trust already, but that would be crossing a huge line for me to pry like that.