A netizen shared how he doesn’t understand people who wear T-shirts with bands on them and don’t know who the bands are.
Here is the story:
“I really don’t understand people who wear band tees and don’t even know the band. Recently met up with a group of people whom I’ve never met before. There was an awkward silence between me and another girl. I noticed she was wearing a Nirvana tee, so to break the ice I told her I liked the shirt and what’s her favourite Nirvana song. She told me “it’s just a shirt” and she doesn’t really know the band. There was even more awkward silence after that.
Personally I feel that if you want to wear a band tee, at least know who the band is and maybe a couple of songs. I’m not saying you’ve to be a full blown fan of the band, but at least know who’s on your shirt. I feel like it’s abit disrespectful to fans to just wear the shirt and not know anything about it. The trend of wearing 80s and 90s rock band tees is back and I see lots of people rocking it. It sometimes irks me to see my beloved bands becoming casual fashion icons when theres so much history, emotion and meaning behind it.
I know a lot of you are gonna attack me and call me a purist. I know everyone’s entitled to wear whatever they want. This is just my view, to me wearing band tees sends a message that someone loves the band enough to represent it. It can be a keepsake and reminder from a concert. Its also a way for people with similar musical interests to spot each other, and be an easy conversation starter. Just my two cents.”