A guy shared a story of how his wife did not turn on her zoom background while in a meeting one day when he thought that she did and he ended up walking around behind her in the room with only his boxers on and everyone in the meeting got a free show.
He mentions he felt that he needed to apologise to everyone who he gave a free show to and luckily for him his wife is not too upset about him doing such an embarrassing thing even though it was not on purpose.
Here is the story
“My wife and I are painting our bedroom so I decided to sleep in our home office and let my wife take the guest room with the dogs.
I generally sleep in my boxers as I find it more comfortable. I woke up this morning with her already in a zoom meeting in our home office and thought I was being extra careful and kept quiet while sneaking out of our office and to get my day started.
I proceeded over to my room to get a fresh set of clothes before going to the shower but less than a minute later my wife sends me a text saying her camera was on without any virtual zoom background and I had literally given a free show to all of her colleagues who were in the meeting.
Needless to say, my wife was pretty embarrassed and apologised to everyone who saw it.
I felt bad that my wife had to apologise to everyone and am considering to apologise to everyone on her meeting the next day by appearing at the meeting on the screen beside my wife to send my personal apologies.
The good news is that wife isn’t too upset has but now has implemented a new rule that I have to put on clothes at every moment when I step into our home office.”
Image source: Unsplash.com