A mother shared how she wishes she never had a child because she is getting sick and tired of taking care of the kid.
Here is the story:
“Hi parents,
Have ever had thoughts where you wished you never had a child. Or wished that your kid goes away with someone else to take care of them? Like forever?
I’ve been feeling overwhelmed and I get very irritated, angry and frustrated. My husband helps a lot in taking care of the household and kid while inside of me just wanna cry frequently.
Sometimes I can be positive and happy when my child is at home. But I drag the feeling of picking my son back home.
I’m always triggered by several things like nonstop playing during meal times, taking hours to eat then refusal to put books and toys back to the original spots.
And the most triggers I have are relatively new toys where some parts are deliberately misplaced and forgotten by my child when I already asked that it’s placed back to the original place.
I’ve bought many of the books and toys and it eeks me that within a matter of mins, some parts get thrown around and it’s a junkyard every night.
Husband helps to keep but I’ve told him not to do it alone. It has to be with the child together so he learns to do it habitually.
And then my son would refuse to bathe, brush teeth, go pee, get changed etc.
The mornings are my super angry moments daily when I try to prepare my son for school. He would play immediately once awake or watch TV with his grandma.
Then nagging to brush teeth is like me having to threaten to let his teeth rot or no breakfast if there’s not enough time.
I even meanly let him go to school without breakfast and he’s ok. ????????????????????????
I feel such a horrible parent and I’ve tried from gentle parenting to tiger parents and my son just doesn’t respond or do as told.
I wished I could just run away from there and back to the times where there’s only my husband and I. I’m so sick of tired of feeling this way. ????????????”
Editor’s note: Save this post and show it to your son when he grows up.