I’m honestly waiting for the day these boomers and gen x retire and leave the workforce.
Somehow all the companies I’ve been to have incredibly toxic senior management who only like yes men and have so much free time to play politics ( cause their employees are doing all the work).
These gen don’t care about staff growth or welfare and are so ready to point all fingers at you if something bad happens because you are just another dispensable person ( even if it’s their decision). If you don’t say yes or want to suggest ideas to them they see you as someone who’s “difficult to work with”.
What’s the use of university education asking you to solve problems and think outside the box? With this current age group in senior management you’ll be forced to let go of all your opinions and just say yes or be seen as “a bad employee”.
But who knows. Maybe Gen A will think the same of us in 10 years.
Here are what netizens think:
- One day you’ll be at that position one day
- Perhaps you can change sector to one with a younger workforce. But if you’re in a place with office politics, just remember to cover your ass wherever you go. If they ask you to do smth, make sure it is in an email, black and white. Don’t rush to submit all your work early. Spend the extra time to cross check. Always emboss your name on your slides and never let them get away from claiming credit from your work.
- Eh you YP, this is call responsibility. They are toxic maybe because you have low working standards and they don’t know how to educate your self-entilted a55 further.