Guys, I’m scared now. I might have entered a contract with ghosts.
So earlier today around 3-6pm, I was bored and with a bunch of friends went to “check out” a supposedly haunted site in Singapore.
Now, I’m a non-believer in the supernatural, ghosts and deities.
However, I got really really bored while they were snooping around. Honestly, I felt nothing during my entire duration there.
They were taking a long time, I was getting annoyed and wanted to head for dinner. So in my mind/heart, I muttered: if here really got ghosts, you all come and let me tio 3 straight soccer bets tonight, next week I come back and feed you all my blood.*
*I don’t believe in ghosts and supernatural, but have heard plenty of stories, including stories that ghosts which feed on blood become very powerful.
Now as you can see below, wtf smlj, really tio 3 straight soccer bets. OK granted I all bet on the favorites, but it is still….too zhun. Somemore I picked funny matches-the first from Japan League Division 2, the second was Women’s World Cup and the third from Norway’s League. I don’t even watch soccer and was just blindly betting.
Long story short, I now somehow have a windfall of $1,000.
Did I enter a contract with ghosts at whichever site I went to just now? I’m scared guys. I’m turning here for advice because I don’t want to talk to my friends about this because I always scoff at their idea of ghosts.
Do I really have to go back and feed them my blood? What happens if I do not do so?
Or is this just out of coincidence?

Guys, I shit you not, I just anyhow hamtam, kena another 3 tios again, backing Barcelona (not favorite), backing Flamengo (not favorite) and Espanola in Chilean league (don’t even know got one).
Another $1,900 windfall.